Hello Coach!
This page will show you how to access your virtual ID cards. As always you can acces everything from your Got Sport Portal, so once you're ready go to your portal using the link below. IT MIGHT SEEM LIKE A LOT OF STEPS BUT ITS ACTUALLY SUPER SIMPLE!
Visit your Got Sport Portal HERE
Viewing Your Virtual ID Cards ​
Step 1: Log into your GotSport Portal
Step 2: Click the Menu Button (Three lines at the top). Than click "Team Management"
Step 3: Click on the team that you need to access
Step 4: Once you have selected your team, click "ROSTERS" then select "El Paso Premier League Registration" as the event roster. After MAKE SURE YOU HIT "SEARCH"
*IMPORTANT* The players that appear after hitting "search" are the players on your "event" or "official league" rosters. Any player not shown here cannot play!
Step 5: Now simply click on "Documents and IDs" and then "Virtual Cards." Here you will be able to see your virtual cards and you will be able to use these cards on the fields for game day!